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2015 - Defamation & Deception

Renato Floris

The following is my true statement illustrated by excerpts which follow Fair Use guidelines.

In 2015, Bret was still posting sexual scenarios about me, taunting me with his Kit Kat bar image (a reference to an obscene poem he wrote about me), calling me a “cokehead” and pushing the lies I was homophobic, a fraud, a criminal and more often than not, dead. He also wrote many of his “spoofs” which were portrayals of his themes that I was an old, insane and sexually depraved woman obsessed with Valentino. While I awaited the verdict from the Court of Asti, in 2015 he published the following just about me, my friends, my husband and business associates. He believed he could circumvent being accused of defaming me if he claimed they were fictional. They were not.

Terhune, in tangent, was still promoting the Affairs Valentino blog with the same religious images while linking to the Fraud Files blog. I quickly learned I had to post or I lost any truthful presence in the Google search for my name and books. The following are images as samples of those posted by TRT96 in 2015 which he posted to greet people searching my book's title online:

Both Bret and Terhune linked to the Fraud Files blog where every post was anonymously written and where some of the most offensive things were written about me: that I abandoned my father on his death bed, that I was a monster causing my deceased parents to “roll over in their graves”. I always suspected it was Terhune who wrote most of the long posts which appeared on the Fraud Files blog.

I came to this conclusion because Bret had a unique style of insult which involved his attempts to be witty and the person then administrating the blog, Zachery Jaydon had little to do with me then or the subject of Valentino. The style of Terhune's posts about me were extremely personal, extremely angry and extremely mean which all of the posts on the Fraud Files certainly were. I add that the long piece I excerpt below also included the names of my parents and friends of theirs which I will not reproduce here.

In 2015 Bret began a campaign to repeat he was not involved in a lawsuit and that my saying so was a lie. This, after he was in receipt of the lawsuit by due legal process and informed of the number of the lawsuit so he could access all court dates. He wrote our attorney many times, and even sent out a general e-mail to his local police and the immigration authorities in Italy trying to have me deported.

Bret also wrote to a radio station he discovered our lawyer was affiliated with, to try to get him fired. This was a common tactic of Bret; to contact people's employers to try and get them fired. In writing our lawyer, he accused him of being a fraud and engaged in a false lawsuit. Our lawyer owned the radio station Bret contacted and he had his legal team reply to Bret informing him the lawsuit, and the attorneys involved were in fact valid. Here Bret continues to broadcast that no such lawsuit even existed:

Bret accused us of hiring friends to pretend to be lawyers and announced as fact online how we created the entire case fraudulently. As excerpted below from some of Bret's e-mails to our attorney:

Renato knew the firm of Mussano & Mussano, representing us... because their offices were located in a building where he owned an apartment but we were not personal friends or affiliates. Renato and I met the attorney who wrote the case and handled it, for the first time at the initial meeting organizing the lawsuit. In 2015, I tried to promote the case on Twitter and generate some press but this incited Bret to again send out more rage and ruin e-mails.

In 2015, Terhune and Bret produced an astonishing amount of material targeting me. They consistently accused me of doing the same.. but anyone reviewing the content of my writing in regards to their attacks will see that my posts, tweets, etc. were in defense of the lies they were spreading about me. I posted as often as I could because it was the only way I could have any presence left online which reflected my truth and the truth about my work. Here Terhune posts a video of a man laughing in response to my publishing Affairs Valentino again.

By 2015, activity in the Valentino world was increasingly focused on various Facebook forums; with the largest at that time, as far as membership, being administered by Dom Caruso. I paid little attention to the forums and feared them because I was traumatized by the daily attacks from Bret and Terhune and did not feel I needed to face further anguish.

At some point in the beginning of 2015, Dom Caruso mentioned the “Unholy Three”... I asked him which of the "Unholy Four" he eliminated and he did not answer.

It was within a few days that an account under the name of, “Cindy Martin” appeared as an administrator on his forum. Her first order of business was to delete Renato as a member. We were then blocked from the Facebook forums run by Terhune and Hill and Dom's group which was abruptly run by someone calling themselves, “Cindy Martin”. Even the mention of our books was censored and this is still the case.

Additional events in 2015 included our petitioning Twitter and Google to have the accounts run against us removed only to be unsuccessful. With Bret opening so many accounts under aliases, it was hard to keep track of his presence. I knew at times he had conversations with himself about me through his various aliases.

The account known as “Cindy Martin” began to post heavily against us and claimed an authority and history in the Valentino world which made me suspicious of her identity. Under this account's authority we were banned from the Facebook forum which Dom previously ran, and many new accounts under "Cindy Martin's" alias, "Dark Mum" appeared on all social media platforms.

In 2015, Bret did not appear or send an attorney to any of the court dates in Asti, Terhune posted more mockery for people to find if they Googled Affairs Valentino and Martin began to spread the lie that I forged the court documents and brag she was “instrumental” in having my books removed from sale and removed from Amazon in 2011.

This was confusing to me because the person I believed did work to have Affairs Valentino removed from sale back in 2011 was Donna Hill. I believed then Cindy Martin was an alias account and could not fathom Dom Caruso would turn his forum over to an unknown newcomer. His coyly eliminating one of the “Unholy Four” prompted me to come to this conclusion.

The sweeping poisoning of my reputation, Renato's reputation and all of our work was so widespread that it became increasingly difficult to have a truthful presence. Donna Hill shunned our work by not including any of our books on her extensive catalog of all Valentino publications.

The attacks on me, Renato and our books by the end of 2015 were such that I was unable to respond to it all or even read it. Renato, heroically, captured screenshots of the many, many blogs and sites where they were posting.

While Terhune has and still does claim his blog was (and is) not a designated hit blog targeting my book Affairs Valentino and me...he posted the following, bragging about the traffic he was managing to trick into thinking his obscene blog was run by me as my book's official site. He promoted the blog to lead people seeking information about me and the book to believe I was insane, forged documents, wrote fiction and was a religious fanatic, etc. Here he highlights with yellow marker, the page views he managed to garner from my traffic.

And here (below) Bret continues to broadcast the lawsuit was a lie.

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Cindy Martin
Cindy Martin
Jul 30, 2022

I have gone by DarkMum for almost 20 years, so that moniker belongs to me, as well.


Cindy Martin
Cindy Martin
Jul 30, 2022

This is Cindy Martin. None of the comments Evelyn made about me above were false really, and they were definitely her own opinion. My name is Cindy Sturtevant Caldwell Martin, and I worked as a book editor for the late Dom Caruso. In 2015 I did take over as forum administrator for Rudolph_Valentino_Fans in Dom's place at his request, but the forum in question was owned by another individual who made the actual decision to remove Renato Floris from the forum. I, as co-administrator, was simply adhering to her request. She did not want to "get on the bad side" of Evelyn and Renato. I had no such worries, and still do not. As long as Evelyn is truthful o…

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